Cloud Resilience with Clumio

Top AWS Security Threats


The world of data protection is always evolving and there's a reason for it -- cyberattacks are getting more and more sophisticated and elaborate, and we must keep up if we want to stay secure.

Threats like social engineering, phishing, and ransomware are an ever-present reality.

Let's discuss these topics from the perspective of an AWS Application deployment and talk about measures we can take to protect this cloud application, make recovering from an attack a seamless process while also keeping us compliant by safekeeping our data, off-site.

Moderated by:
John Waters, Editorial Director, AWSInsider

About the presenter:

Carlos Rivas, Sr. Solutions Architect

Carlos is a senior solutions architect helping California community colleges move their traditional data centers to the cloud. Over the course of his career, he has worked for several large telecommunication providers managing and configuring network devices using numerous tools and languages, including Java, Groovy, Python, Perl, and PHP. He is also a Cloud computing instructor for LinkedIn Learning and Udacity.

Nic Hernandez, SE, Clumio

Dennis Yang, CIO, Motion Picture Association (MPA)

Clumio is redefining data protection for the cloud. Clumio’s massively scalable data protection service helps the world’s leading enterprises automate the protection and recovery of critical data in applications, data lakes, and other data services on AWS. Try Clumio today.